
AmericaxReader The Best Independece Day Ever!

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“Guess what day it is?!” yelled Alfred as he burst into your apartment. You looked over at him, taking in the door that was now hanging on one hinge and decided to tease him.

“Hmmm…” you tapped you chin as you walked towards him, mock thinking. Of course you knew what day it was. Alfred didn’t stop talking about it. It was the 4th of July, Independence Day. Finally you stopped tapping your chin and looked at Alfred. He was looking slightly annoyed, but still excited. “Is it… oh I know this one… uh… DUH! Of course I know what day it is! Happy Independence Day, America!”

Alfred’s face lit as he realized you had been messing with him. You hugged the country, and he picked you up and spun you around. “Today is going to be AWESOME! There’s gonna be a party and hamburgers and fireworks and food! Dude!” Alfred yelled. You laughed and rolled your eyes. “Are you coming?!” he asked, whipping out his puppy dog eyes.

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world!” Alfred then proceeded to run around your living room yelling ‘WOO’ at the top of his lungs. You face palmed, looking at the American between your fingers. Before you knew it, Alfred lunged toward you and grabbed your hand. Then the pair of you were flying out of your apartment, Alfred dragging you behind him.



“Yeah dude?”

“…Could you possibly stop dragging me?”

“Oh, yeah, sorry!” Alfred let go of you, and you massaged your hand. The two of you were standing outside Alfred’s house.

“So when does the party start?” you loved Alfred’s parties, mostly because they were over-the-top, amazingly fun, dance-till-your-feet-hurt parties.

“Not until later. But there’s Halo in there that’s just waiting to be played…” Alfred knew you couldn’t resist video games.

“I am so gonna beat you!” you yelled as you rocketed into the house, going straight for the Xbox. You got the game going, and sat on the couch, handing Alfred a controller.

“You can’t beat me, I’m the hero! And, it’s my birthday!” Alfred gave you a cocky grin. The two of you played for hours, and the house was filled with screaming and cursing and general competition. You jumped up and cheered when you beat Alfred, and then made up a not-so-nice song about it. Alfred stuck his tongue out at you.

Alfred quickly glanced at the clock. “Party starts in ten minutes! Wooh!” he got up and started fist pumping the air. Soon the door opened, and in walked a horde of countries. Alfred secretly wished England would be there, but he knew the country wouldn’t come.

It wasn’t long before music was pounding, and everyone was dancing and drinking. The sun was quickly setting, throwing bright orange rays through the windows. The entire house smelled like hamburgers. Someone had let Italy have beer, and now he was hanging from a surprisingly sturdy ceiling fan, singing at the top of his lungs.

Alfred had long disappeared into the crowd, so in the meantime you were left to laugh at the countries as they meandered about in various states of drunkenness, and, of course, dance. You discovered the hard way that Prussia gets very cuddly when he’s drunk. You had also learned that Canada became twenty times more French when he drank.

Alfred pushed his way through the crowd, looking for you. He pushed his way to a corner to see Francis flirting with a chair, and Gilbert clinging to Canada. Not here… Alfred made his way back through the crowd and tried a different corner. Romano was yelling in rapid, though slurred, Italian at Germany, who looked thoroughly uncomfortable. Alfred delved into the crowd and kept looking.

Finally he found you sitting on a windowsill. “Hey, dude, there you are!” You looked up, smiling when you caught sight of Alfred.

“Hey! You having fun?” you asked.

“Yeah dude! Come on, fireworks are about to start!” Alfred looked like a kid on Christmas. You looked outside. It was already dark out. You jumped out of your seat and followed Alfred as corralled the countries outside to look at the fireworks.

It took him almost thirty minutes (most of that time was spent getting Italy off the ceiling fan) to get all of the countries outside. The night was cool, but not cold. It was just right. You stood by Alfred, laughing at Kiku as he walked in very angry circles.

Alfred started counting down under his breath. 3…2…1… The fireworks began, the rumbling of the light explosions reverberating in your chest. You loved fireworks. You watched happily, not noticing Alfred staring at you.

“So, was this the best 4th of July ever?” you asked, turning your gaze to Alfred.

“Mmm… Something’s missing.” You raised an eyebrow. Alfred slid his arm around your waist, pulling you close, and gently pressed his lips against yours. You were shocked for a moment, before you blushed like a tomato. You let your arms wrap around Alfred’s neck, pulling him closer. You parted for air, both smiling like idiots.

“How about now?”

“Now it’s the best Independence day ever.”
This is part of a fanfic duo that I wrote for the 4th of July. The other is an EnglandxReader, found here: [link] This story is so fluffy it's not even funny. Well, I hope you like it!

I do not own Hetalia!
© 2013 - 2024 Alycerain
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La la la la AWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!! La la la la ALFRED is such a sweet, lovable, cuddly guy!!! Love Hug He's simply irresistible!!!!!!Love :happybounce: La la la la Clap  AUWS-MAZING JOB DUDE!!!!!!Clap Hug Huggle! Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart